consultant psychiatrist • psychotherapist

Trained at Royal Free Hospital – UCL Medical School, London.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544


consultant psychiatrist • psychotherapist

Trained at Royal Free Hospital – UCL Medical School, London.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544

anxiety phobias panic attacks obsessive compulsive disorder depression bipolar disorder grief and loss psychosis relationships



psychologist • psychotherapist

Trained at Leiden University, The Netherlands.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544

Ελένη Θεοφίλη, ψυχολόγος - ψυχοθεραπεύτρια


psychologist • psychotherapist

Trained at Leiden University, The Netherlands.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544


psychologist • psychotherapist

Trained at the Research University Institute of Mental Health, Athens.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544


psychologist • psychotherapist

Trained at the Research University Institute of Mental Health, Athens.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544


child psychologist • psychotherapist

Trained at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544


child psychologist • psychotherapist

Trained at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens.

appointment face-to-face or online

13 Omirou St., Athens, Greece

Tel +30 211 8000544

"Anxiety", small introductions

Anxiety and fear; panic attacks; agoraphobia; social and generalized anxiety; fear of death; obsessions and compulsions; post-traumatic stress; anxiety in children and adolescents; modern anxiety triggers.

Issues more pressing than ever in an era of technological leaps, pandemic outbreaks, and identity redistributions.

A short introduction that helps us understand what anxiety is, what fear is, what a panic attack is and how we can deal with them.

By Dimitris Papadimitriadis

Published by Papadopoulos Publications, available from all Greek bookstores

Best Seller at Public Bookstores

ISBN 978-960-484-614-6
Βιβλίο: ΑΓΧΟΣ, του ψυχίατρου Δημήτρη Παπαδημητριάδη
Βιβλίο: ΑΓΧΟΣ, του ψυχίατρου Δημήτρη Παπαδημητριάδη

"Anxiety", small introductions

Anxiety and fear; panic attacks; agoraphobia; social and generalized anxiety; fear of death; obsessions and compulsions; post-traumatic stress; anxiety of children and adolescents; redistributions.

A short introduction that helps us understand what anxiety is, what fear is, what a panic attack is and how we can deal with them.

By Dimitris Papadimitriadis

Published by Papadopoulos Publications, available from all Greek bookstores

Best Seller at Public Bookstores

ISBN 978-960-484-614-6
Βιβλίο: Κατάθλιψη - Δημήτρης Παπαδημητριάδης

"Depression", small introductions

Depression does not have one face, but many. We need to understand, each time, the possible causes and the options available to address it.

The purpose of this book is to provide all the information you need to understand depression in an accessible way. And even to fight the social and interpersonal stigma associated with this mental disorder so that it disappears completely and people fill the void with tenderness, understanding and solidarity.

By Dimitris Papadimitriadis

Published by Papadopoulos Publications, available from all Greek bookstores
ISBN 978-960-484-816-4

"The Art of Happiness"

How can we live a happy life, full of meaning, joy and balance?

With a deep knowledge of human psychology and many years of experience as a psychiatrist – psychotherapist, Dimitris Papadimitriadis guides us on an essential journey of self-knowledge.

In a tender and human tone, the book explores the power of thought, authenticity, forgiveness and other fundamental principles that shape a life of wholeness.

A practical guide with twelve steps that illuminate the way, through true stories and scientific approaches.

Happiness is not an elusive ideal.
It is an art that we can all cultivate.

By Dimitris Papadimitriadis

Available in Greek and English – as a digital, audio and paper book.
ISBN 978-618-00-5736-2
Η Τέχνη της Ευτυχίας
Η Τέχνη της Ευτυχίας

"The Art of Happiness"

How can we live a happy life, full of meaning, joy and balance?

With a deep knowledge of human psychology and many years of experience as a psychiatrist – psychotherapist, Dimitris Papadimitriadis guides us on an essential journey of self-knowledge.

In a tender and human tone, the book explores the power of thought, authenticity, forgiveness and other fundamental principles that shape a life of wholeness.

A practical guide with twelve steps that illuminate the way, through true stories and scientific approaches.

Happiness is not an elusive ideal.
It is an art that we can all cultivate.

By Dimitris Papadimitriadis

Available in Greek and English – as a digital, audio and paper book.
ISBN 978-618-00-5736-2

CureClass is a psychiatrist near me. The best and most famous psychiatrists and psychologists in the world agree that psychotherapeutic care is actually an educational process. Through psychotherapy, our clients learn alternative ways of thinking about everyday challenges. They are also trained in different – more functional – approaches to the problems that plague them.

CureClass is a self-help method with this very purpose. It works like teachers, teaching you how to manage your mental state. It contains all the critical content of the psychotherapeutic process in the form of interactive training material, at extremely affordable prices. It is an alternative access from your home to the essence of psychotherapy – without an appointment -, with the scientific curation of Dimitris Papadimitriadis.


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